A football club is convinced it’s scored a winner with plans for a much-needed clubhouse on the edge of Petersfield.

Petersfield Town Juniors could finally get a permanent home after years of waiting as they’ve submitted plans for a “bespoke” timber-clad building near the Taro Centre.

The club is thriving with more than 50 teams, but their Penns Place home doesn’t meet FA rules as there’s no changing facilities or toilets for players or officials. But that could change with local firm ReFormat drawing up plans for an “outstanding community facility" containing facilities for both.

A clubroom and kitchen are also planned while the PV and battery-powered building will sit on paving slabs, so it could be easily moved from its proposed site near the play area.

Town Juniors chairman, Nick Orr, said the application has been a “long time coming” and highlighted the community’s backing, with more than 60 comments of support to planning officers.

He said: “This will be ideal and it’s a massive step forward for the football club, especially as we’ve been waiting for years.”

“We’ve got to give huge credit to everyone who has been involved in making this happen,” added Mr Orr, namechecking mayor Cllr JC Crissey and former councillor Ben Bentley for their efforts.

The clubhouse will cost around £175,000 although “modest funding” will come from the FA, district and town council.

Mr Orr quipped: “The hard work starts once we get planning permission as we’ll have to bridge the gap in funding.”